Filippa K Takes an Icy Dip for New Swimwear Campaign
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All smiles, Lucia Clement Wani, Raphaël Cousin, and Samuel Rydbacken appear in Filippa K’s swimwear campaign.
" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" title="Filippa K Takes an Icy Dip for New Swimwear Campaign" data-lazy-src="" srcset="" />Liisa Kessler, the newly appointed Filippa K creative director, makes a powerful first impression with her debut campaign for the brand. The advertisement focuses on a swimwear capsule collection. Kessler draws inspiration for the ad from the Swedish practice of ice bathing. For the icy trip, it’s off to the snowy tundra of northern Sweden. Filippa K Swimwear... [Read More]
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